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Missing Transaction Information

Applicable only to analytical setups which leverage the dataLayer - Google Tag Manager, Adobe Launch.

If transaction events are being received but the Transaction ID, Revenue, Tax, or Shipping are missing it is likely that the Conversion Pixel is firing before the dataLayer is populated with that information, or that the references to that information are incorrect. To identify whether this is a problem for you, visit the Traffic Report and scroll to view the Transactions table.

Faulty transactions.PNG

You likely have an issue if…

  • …any of your transactions have a transaction ID which is empty or reads null, false or similar.

  • …any transaction ID is a long hashed value (as above) which is not familiar to you as a correct Transaction ID (these are automatically generated by Corvidae when a transaction is received with no Transaction ID).

  • …or Value, Tax, or Shipping fields are 0.00 when they should not be.

Complete a Transaction

To check the dataLayer content you will have to complete a purchase.

  1. Visit your site in Google Chrome

  2. Open DevTools

    1. Windows: Control+ Shift+ i

    2. Mac: Command + Option + i

  3. Complete a purchase and stay on the “thank you” page

Identify a faulty transaction

Identify whether the current transaction exhibits the expected fault.

transaction ping (1).png
  1. Click on Network in DevTools

  2. Isolate the transaction pixel event by entering e=tr into the search field

  3. Click on the Transaction event

  4. Click on Payload

  5. Check the Transaction parameters

In the example, the transaction processed successfully. In case of an error, one or many of the highlighted values may be empty or read null, false or similar.

Check the datalayer

Once you have caused a faulty transaction in your browser, check the dataLayer for the existence of the Transaction parameters.

datalayer console.png
  1. Click on Console in the DevTools

  2. Copy and paste the dataLayer helper script from here into console and press return

  3. Expand the resulting dataLayer output

What you are looking for now are the keys which contain the Transaction ID, Revenue, Tax, and Shipping - whichever is causing an issue in your specific case.

transaction details.png

In this example all 4 values properly populated. The names of these variables can be anything, so read through the dataLayer thoroughly or consult your technical team.

If your transaction hit from above was missing any of these values…

  • …and you were able to find them in the dataLayer, it is likely that the

    • datalayer is populated after the pixel has fired

    • or that the references to these values in your tagging management software (GTM, Adobe Launch) are incorrect

  • …and you were unable to find them in the dataLayer, then it is likely a problem with the website and you should consult your technical team to ensure that Transaction values are populated for every Transaction

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.