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This is your central knowledgebase for all information relating to Corvidae from technical implementation to our AI Journey Stitching and Attribution Modeling.

What is Corvidae?

Corvidae is an attribution modeling SaaS platform which employs AI to tie together “broken” sessions you’ll be used to seeing in other analytics software to create true, multi-location, multi-device user journeys. Corvidae uses cookieless, first-party tracking for all of your digital properties to create a complete view of your customer journey.

Getting Started

Getting started with Corvidae is easy.

  1. Create an account or contact our Growth Team

  2. Set up our cookieless first-party pixel on your website

  3. Integrate with your marketing platforms using our connectors library

And you’re done! Now you can leverage the power of AI attribution to transform your marketing optimisation.

What next?

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