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Google Tag Manager

Corvidae Tag

The Corvidae subdomain must be set up before this tag is published, please replace the trackerId string with a string matching your Corvidae subdomain.

Tag Title

Corvidae Pixel

This is a suggestion, you may follow any pre-established nomenclature that you wish.

Tag Type

Custom HTML


<script type="text/javascript">
(function(w, d, s, f, c) {
    if (!w[c]) {
        w.CorvidaeNamespace = w.CorvidaeNamespace || [];
        w[c] = function() {
            (w[c].q = w[c].q || []).push(arguments);
        w[c].q = w[c].q || [];
        var n = d.createElement(s);
        var g = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
        n.async = 1;
        n.src = f;
        g.parentNode.insertBefore(n, g);

// Pixel setup
var trackerId = 'corvidae.[your tracked domain]';
var appId = '[your tracked domain]';
var cookieDomain = '[your tracked domain]';
var property = [your tracked domain]';

qcpixel('newTracker', 'cf', trackerId, {
    appId: appId,
    forceSecureTracker: true,
    cookieDomain: cookieDomain,
    respectDoNotTrack: true,
    platform: 'web',


Page View / All Pages
Trigger Type: Page View

Please use the same “all pages” trigger that you use for other customer-facing analytics solutions.

Pageview Tag

This pixel tracks all clickstream traffic and referrer information and should be implemented on every customer-facing page on your site.

Tag Title

Corvidae Pageview

This is a suggestion, you may follow any pre-established nomenclature that you wish.

Tag Type

Custom HTML


<script type="text/javascript">

Advanced Settings

Tag Sequencing > Fire a tag before Corvidae Pageview fires > Corvidae Pixel

Setting the Corvidae Pixel as the “Setup Tag” ensures that these tags fire in the correct order.


Trigger Type: Dom Ready
Fires on: All Dom Ready Events

Conversion Tag

The conversion pixel should only be fired on a successful conversion. It is important to pass the transaction value as our attribution models rely on it.

Values passed to the Corvidae Pixel in this example are set up as variables within Google Tag Manager and are expected to be drawn from the dataLayer or scraped from the DOM. The dataLayer or DOM must be populated before this script runs.

Tag Title

Corvidae Conversion

This is a suggestion, you may follow any pre-established nomenclature that you wish.

Tag Type

Custom HTML


<script type="text/javascript">
  cvqueue('addTrans', {
    conversionName: 'Sale', // The name of this conversion type e.g. 'Sale', 'Registration'
    orderId: String({{order id}}),
    currency: 'GBP', // Required. Currency code. Use 'GBP' unless otherwise instructed
    revenue: String({{revenue}}), // Required. Revenue value with 2dp
    tax: String({{tax}}), // Optional. The tax value of this conversion with 2dp
    shipping: String({{shipping}}), // Optional. The shipping value of this conversion with 2dp
    digitalProperty: '', // Required. The property on which this conversion occurred

Advanced Settings

Tag Sequencing > Fire a tag before Corvidae Pageview fires > Corvidae Pixel

Setting the Corvidae Pixel as the “Setup Tag” ensures that these tags fire in the correct order.

This tag must fire after the required variables are available.


Trigger Type: Page View
Fires on: Successful transaction pages, such as the “thank you” page

Conversion: Variables

For non-transacting conversions, such as a registration or newsletter subscription.

Variable Name



order id

A unique ID for the conversion. This is used to deduplicate repeat conversions so must persist if the user visits the same page in the future.
If no order id is supplied, we apply a unique UID to every call, which may result in duplication of conversions.



The name of the Conversion Type, as found in your Corvidae account. If you are unsure please speak to your Customer Success Manager.



The identifier for the property on which the conversion occurred, as found in your Corvidae account. If you are unsure please speak to your Customer Success Manager.


Transaction: Variables

As with all Conversions, Transactions require a unique order id, conversionName, and digitalProperty, for deduplication but additionally support a number of financial metrics described below.

Variable Name




The total monetary value of the transaction. e.g. 1066.91



The total tax paid on this transaction. e.g. 10.49



The total cost of shipping for this transaction. e.g. 1.86


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.